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Are YOU like ME?!


Are you like me when it comes to purging? Even though I am a Professional Organizer, I too, have my own areas that I need to work on. The first being my wardrobe! I LOVE shopping and clothes. My husband has often said that I buy clothes as if they are disposable (there may be some truth to that). On top of buying myself clothes, my mother-in-law also does. There are literally items in my closet that still have tags: some items that I may never wear; some clothes that are either too small or too big; and some items I just had to have but haven't had the perfect occasion for them yet.

With the kids back in school I decided that it was time to tackle not only my own wardrobe but my husband's as well. We have far more clothing than any couple needs. However, the thought of getting rid of things has always had me like "what if I lose weight..." or "what if I get rid of it and then need it..." You all know EXACTLY what I am talking about.

Well GIRLS, here's to purging! I started this weekend. My younger sister took a garbage bag full of clothes, quite a few pieces that still had tags. I then purged an additional THREE bags of my own clothes and FOUR bags of my husband's. It's a little scary to admit that it looks as if I barely made a dent in our wardrobes.

On top of the clothing in our closets, we each have dresser space and I have an additional portable unit & armoire that store items. Lets just say that the drawers open a little easier and the items that have not been used in a year or more are GONE.

However, I still feel like there is so much more than I need. I have always been intrigued by a capsule wardrobe but the thought of pairing down to 20 or 30 items (or less) seems crazy to me after always having such a large wardrobe. Not to mention I have clothing for all sorts of activities: casual; weekend; professional; active; and perhaps some in between. And did I mention I like to shop and add new pieces each season. While the concept seems reasonable to me, I just don't think I am there yet.

As for purging, it feels AMAZING to get rid of the items that are really just weighing you down. The items you look at day after day while getting dressed and think "Why do I still have that..." The truth is, if you haven't used it in a year, you truly may never use it again - just let it go!

Are you ready to purge? Here are some questions to ask yourself to make it more productive:

  • Have I worn it in the last 12 months?

  • Will I ever wear it again?

  • Does it fit?

  • Is it in style and/or represent my style?

  • Is it damaged in any way and/or is it worth repairing if it is?

  • If shopping at this moment, would I buy it?

  • Do I feel amazing when I wear it?

Chances are if you've answered NO to any of those questions, it's time to part ways with the item. I find it super helpful to have a second set of eyes while going through things to give you that little extra nudge when you might be on the fence. That little extra voice of reason who reminds you that you already have ten black sweaters, the one that you're not sure of parting with that is piling or a tad too big or small should really just go. Don't have that sort of person available to you, I would love to help!




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