It's finally that time of year in WNY where we can put away the winter wardrobe! Amen, sisters!! I have to say that this year was slightly more challenging for me than most years for a couple of reasons -
1) I LOVE to shop and have too many clothes.
2) I have lost 15# since January so a majority of the clothes that fit previously are now too large.
I know, you're thinking "poor you!" However, having too much clothing & too many sizes of clothing makes getting dressed really complicated every morning. So I did the good 'ole solo fashion show & went through ALL of my shorts, capris & jeans. It honestly doesn't take long & will leave you feeling so much better about what clothing you have to wear. And because I don't need winter clothing right now, it's all been laundered, folded & stowed away for next season.
Does this sound like a familiar story to you? The ever changing sizes? The ever changing wardrobe because of the seasons? But you're a SUPER busy mama & just don't have the time or energy to get this task done alone? Or not even sure what the hell to keep anymore, what to toss and/or donate? Orderly by Danica can help!
Let's get that wardrobe in tip top shape to get you looking & feeling your best even when you're short on time. We all know when mama is happy, everyone is happy! It's really not nearly as difficult as we make it out to be, promise. Lets toss those yoga pants & leggings to the curb {or at least to the weekend}.
Here are some of my FAVORITE go to pieces when I'm in a hurry, yet want to feel put together:
Denim Jacket
Dark Skinny Jeans
Skinny Black Ankle Length Pants {or even black skinny jeans}
Colored Pair of Jeans or Pants
Black Blazer
Striped Tee
Black (or White) Tee
Chambray Button Down
Scarves {think patterns/colors depending on the season}
Cute pair of flats {for running around with the kids}
Other basics for summer: cute shorts; skirts & tee shirt dresses; bracelets & necklaces.
The key is to keep it SIMPLE and think MIX & MATCH. You can change an outfit just by changing your shoes, the jewelry, etc. A completely new look with things you already own! {The key is purging what you no longer use and stowing away out of season clothing.}
Now you're wondering... where to get these items? I can tell you that you don't need to spend a fortune to look good. My friend Sue has shown up in the CUTEST shorts and when asked where she got them, her response was "Wal-Mart." No joke... Finding go to pieces can be that simple.
I tend to be a Stitch Fix, Loft & Nordstrom kinda girl. And I ONLY purchase on sale from the latter sites. Whatever your budget, there is a store for you and the perfect wardrobe pieces.
Need a little inspiration - PINTEREST! Create your own little board on Pinterest if you haven't done so already. This also makes going shopping easier if you aren't a shopper - you can easily refer back to styles you liked for ideas while out & about.
Perhaps you're beyond the closet purge & wardrobe basics.... then I highly recommend thinking about having your colors done to take your wardrobe & shopping experiences to the next level. Check out my blog post here for all those details -